Proverbs 13:1-25

Proverbs 13:1-25

Proverbs 13:7 "There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches."

If you have lived on this earth for any real length of time, you know that money can't buy happiness. Many of the world's richest people have turned to drugs or suicide to the shock of everyone watching them. Money is a tool that can make our lives easier; but if you have money, and your life is falling apart around you, money can do nothing to help.

The "great riches" in this verse is talking about real riches: riches money cannot buy. There is an undercurrent of charity in this passage. How do you make yourself poor? By giving away your money. The Bible teaches that we should use the money God has given us here on earth, and not lay up treasures here, but instead, lay up treasures in heaven. Giving to other, giving to missions, giving to the work of spreading the gospel - these are all ways we can make ourselves poor here on earth, yet have great riches.

However, the verse can be applied in so many ways. How many parents have worked for the nice house, the best cars, the most stylish clothes for their family - and then lost their kids to the world due to lack of attention to them? How many husbands have spent too many hours at the office, and lost the love of their wife? When trouble comes to our homes, you realize very quickly that none of the material trappings of life matter in the least. A strong, loving, Christian home can certainly be categorized as "great riches" as well.

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